Thursday, June 18, 2009

New E-commerce Website Sells Plants, Orchids, And Flowers In NYC

PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 17, 2009 – Long Island City, New York May 20, 2009 - A new website has been launched that focuses on selling plants, orchids, and flowers to the residents of New York City. With a facility located in Long Island City, Interior Foliage offers flower delivery, plant rental and more to anywhere in New York City at lightning fast speeds through their website and their retail location, according to Philip Shechter, president of the company.
The owners of the website have worked to establish their infrastructure and delivery routes to ensure that all orders are filled as quickly as possible. They are projecting positive growth with the president of the company announcing, "We are planning big things for 2010."
Even though this is a relatively new internet business, the company has worked to achieve high rankings on the various search engines. Matt Shechter, director of operations says, "We're very happy with our search engine rankings." The company has initiated an aggressive SEO campaign that is being managed by 355 Media LLC and their internet marketing department.
For additional information about the launch of this new website, contact Roy Owsley or visit Interfoliage design maintains the largest selection of fresh New York grown flowers and plants, as well as creating premium flower arrangements and offering free consultation services on landscaping and interior plantscaping plans.

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Interfoliage design has been in business for over 25 years, and operates one of the largest greenhouses in the New York City area. They offer full service, from flower delivery to anywhere in New York City to rooftop gardens and landscaping. Office plantscaping is also offered to improve the environment for those working indoors.

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